Health equity through a journalism and data science lens
Compare your ‘normal’ with the ‘normal’ of others
Switch up your route to work or the store
Follow up on something surprising you heard
Go with your natural curiosity
Passionate about a topic? Get exploring
Know a personal blindspot? Challenge yourself
Antiquated attitudes
Non-representative sampling
Exclusionary methodologies
Uninterpretable AI models
“Even if AI systems are designed by unbiased coders striving for neutrality, those systems derive data from and exist within a medical system that has its own antiminority culture; those views are embedded in the patters that AI learns.”
Even when race is removed from a dataset, statistical models can reliably predict a patient’s race from the way the physician wrote about them. (Keeling et al)
If bias is already creeping through, a statistical model will only exacerbate it.