Beyond the Symptoms

Reducing Emergency Department Overutilization by Broadening Homelessness Services

Luke Morris

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center


  • Homelessness Figures

  • The ED Care Model

  • Problems at the Intersection

  • A New Role

  • Evidence of Effect

Homelessness by the Numbers

  • United States (~pop. 331.5 million)

    • 580,466 People Experiencing Homelessness (PEH)

    • 0.175% of U.S. population


  • California (~pop. 40 million)

    • 161,548 PEH

    • 0.408% of state population

    • California makes up 11.9% of U.S. pop, but hosts 28% of all PEH in U.S.

Homelessness in LA

  • LA County (~pop. 10 million)

    • 25% of California’s population but 41% of its PEH

    • 3% of U.S. population but 12% of its PEH


  • LA City (~pop. 3.9 million)

    • 39% of county population but 62% of PEH

    • 2/3 in first episode of homelessness

    • Estimated new 20,000 PEH amid COVID

The Emergency Medicine Model

  • A place for stabilization

    • Get you stable enough to go back home

    • or stable enough to transport to an inpatient unit


  • Problems with non-urgent utilization

    • Overburdens department resources

    • Increases wait for care for all patients

    • Chair reaction of patients Leaving before they’re even seen

Packed EDs

  • Crowding and overflowing longstanding issues

  • Examples of low-acuity cases coming in

    • prescription refills

    • treatment of hypertension

    • chronic elevated blood sugar

    • behavioral health

  • Source of patient and staff harm

  • “COVID-19 has laid bare medicine’s house of cards.” *

Homeless Care at Cedars-Sinai ED

  • 7,956 visits by 3,194 PEH patients Feb 2020-Jan 2021

  • Roughly 2.49 visits per PEH patient

  • Many there for basic needs

    • Food

    • Shelter

    • Primary care-level treatment

California SB1152

  • Passed in 2018, requires hospitals to document info about patients experiencing homelessness before discharging them.

    • Services offered

      • Transportation

      • Meal

      • Meds

      • Vaccinations

      • Weather-appropriate clothing

    • Resources offered

      • Clinical/Behavioral

      • Follow-up with PCP

      • Help getting health coverage

A New Role is Born

Community Resource Coordinator

  • Responsible for SB1152 checklist items

  • Help PEH patients find more sustainable support

  • Provide connections to community resources

    • Shelter

    • Staple needs

    • Insurance

    • Follow-up & specialty care appointments

      Weihao Qu, CRC

How’s It Going?

Are CRCs effective at reducing the use of emergency services for non-urgent matters while ensuring that homeless patients can access their basic needs?


Data gathered in fulfilling SB1152 needs used to measure role’s impact

Studying the Impact

  • Diff-in-diff cohort model

    • Visit rates of patients experiencing homelessness

    • Split by whether they were seen by a CRC during their index visit

  • Dependent variables

    • Time interval between visits (in days)

    • Cost of stay

    • Length of stay (LOS)

  • Differences in the populations were tested for statistical significance using a Welch’s t-test

What We Found

  • A two-sample t-test demonstrated statistical significance (p = 0.0014)

  • 22.82% increase to # of days elapsed before a patient returned to the ED after visiting with a CRC

  • 95% confidence interval: 2.6-10.9 days larger gap between ED visits

90-Day Return Rate

Revisit rate:


95% CI:

0.8-1.4 fewer visits

p: <0.0001

180-Day Return Rate

Revisit rate:


95% CI:

1.1-2.1 fewer visits

p: <0.0001

Other Results

  • Difference in cost of care

    • p = 0.1050

    • Not statistically significant

  • Difference in length of stay in the ED

    • p = 0.1053

    • Not statistically significant

  • Makes sense considering CRC can’t really affect those figures

Understanding the Results

  • Increased gap between ED visits

  • Lowered rate of ED visits over 90 and 180 days

  • Implications

    • Increased utilization of community resources may be decreasing frequency of needs that draw patients experiencing homelessness to ED

    • Reduced burden by lower-urgency needs on ED resources

  • Possible effects

    • Shorter wait times

    • Fewer patients leaving without being seen

    • Greater focus on other patients with more acute needs

Beyond the First Year …

  • Slides so far showed Feb 2020-Jan 2021, but the work continues.

  • Results Feb 2020-Apr 2023

    • 20,669 visits by 8,902 PEH patients

Overall Avg Gap Between Visits

⬆️ by 10.0-23.6 days

90-Day Visit Rate

⬇️ by 0.7-1.1 visits

180-day Visit Rate

⬇️ by 1.2-1.8 visits

The Dataset

Patient Identifier

Encounter Identifier

Arrival Datetime

Departure Datetime

ED Navigator

Total Charges

Visits last 90 Days

Visits last 180 Days

The Script

# Make relevant R packages available.

library(tidyverse, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

# Read in Homeless Patient Discharge Checklist dataset from Excel.

patlog <- readxl::read_excel("~/SomeFolder/Homeless.xlsx")

# Convert variables to appropriate data type.

patlog$DOB <- ymd(patlog$DOB)
patlog$`Admission Date` <- ymd_hms(patlog$`Admission Date`)
patlog$`Discharge Date` <- ymd_hms(patlog$`Discharge Date`)
patlog$`Last Seen DATE` <- ymd_hms(patlog$`Last Seen DATE`)

# Ensure we're only looking at emergency visits

patlog <- patlog %>%
        (Department == "ASAP EMERGENCY DEPT" 
         | Department == "MDRH EMERGENCY DEPT"))

# Set relevant dates

mindate <- date(min(patlog$`Discharge Date`, na.rm = TRUE))
maxdate <- date(max(patlog$`Discharge Date`, na.rm = TRUE))
lag90days <- date(max(patlog$`Discharge Date`, na.rm = TRUE) - days(90))
lag180days <- date(max(patlog$`Discharge Date`, na.rm = TRUE) - days(180))

# Declare those dates for readers

glue::glue("Before we get into determining whether CSMC\'s and MRDH\'s
           Community Resource Coordinators are having a statistically
           significant effect on the department, let\'s quickly look at
           their caseload from {month(mindate, label = TRUE)} 
           {day(mindate)}, {year(mindate)} to 
           {month(maxdate, label = TRUE)} {day(maxdate)}, 

# Count the number of cases involving an ED Navigator (aka CRC).

patlog %>%
  group_by(metCRC = !`ED Navigator`)) %>%

# Save those counts to their own variables

CRCtotal <- sum(!$`ED Navigator`))
noCRCtotal <- sum($`ED Navigator`))

# Share results with readers

glue::glue("We can see that the CRCs had {CRCtotal} interactions with
           homeless patients. {noCRCtotal} homeless encounters did not 
           include a CRC interaction.")

# Create three new variables, one calculating days elapsed before 
# the patient was seen again after this visit,
# one counting up the number of times the patient was seen in the
# 90 days following this visit, and
# one counting up the number of times the patient was seen in the
# 180 days following this visit.

patlog <- patlog %>%
  group_by(Name) %>%
  mutate(nextVisit = lead(`Discharge Date`),
         daysUntilNextVisit = round(
             `Discharge Date`%--%nextVisit)/86400),
         visitsNext90Days = map_dbl(
           `Discharge Date`, 
           ~sum(`Discharge Date` %within% interval(., . + days(90)),
                na.rm = TRUE)) -1,
         visitsNext180Days = map_dbl(
           `Discharge Date`, 
           ~sum(`Discharge Date` %within% interval(., . + days(180)), 
                na.rm = TRUE)) -1) %>%

# For every patient who saw a CRC during their visit, list the number
# of days between the current visit and their next one

sawCRC <- patlog %>%
  filter(!`ED Navigator`)) %>%
  drop_na(daysUntilNextVisit) %>%

# For every patient who did not see a CRC during their visit, list
# the number of days between the current visit and their next one

noCRC <- patlog %>%
  filter(`ED Navigator`)) %>%
  drop_na(daysUntilNextVisit) %>%

#Declare n-sizes for readers

glue::glue("In this test, for patients who returned after 
           encountering a CRC, n = {length(sawCRC)}. 
           For patients who returned after not
           encountering a CRC in their previous visit, 
           n = {length(noCRC)}.")

# Perform a t-test to determine if the difference in the two
# groups' average number of days between ED visits is 
# statistically significant

dayGapTest <- t.test(sawCRC, noCRC, conf.level = 0.95)

# Display raw test results


#Calculations for visualization

gapInDays <- patlog %>%
  filter( == FALSE) %>%
  mutate(visitedByCRC = !`ED Navigator`)) %>%
  select(visitedByCRC, daysUntilNextVisit) %>%
  group_by(visitedByCRC) %>%
    avgVisitGap = mean(daysUntilNextVisit), 
    n = n(), 
    sd = sd(daysUntilNextVisit)
    ) %>%

# Visualize results

  aes(visitedByCRC, avgVisitGap, fill = visitedByCRC
  ) +
  geom_col() +
      x = visitedByCRC, 
      ymin = avgVisitGap - se, 
      ymax = avgVisitGap + se), 
    width = 0.2) +
  geom_text(aes(label = format(signif(avgVisitGap, digits = 3),
                               nsmall = 2)), vjust = 3.9, size = 8) +
  ggtitle("Average Gap Between ED Visits for Homeless Patients") +
  xlab("Patient Group") +
  ylab("Average Gap in Days") +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = c ("Wasn't Seen by CRC", "Saw CRC")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = alpha(c("#B0B3B2", "#4EC3E0"), .6)) +
  theme_bw() +
        legend.position = "none",
        plot.title = element_text(size = 17),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 16)

# Explain the results

glue::glue("From this output, we can say that we're 95% confident
           that CRC interactions had an impact on the rate of 
           return for repeat homeless visitors seen between
           {month(mindate, label = TRUE)} 
           {day(mindate)}, {year(mindate)} to 
           {month(maxdate, label = TRUE)} {day(maxdate)}, 
           {year(maxdate)}, equal to somewhere between 
           {round(dayGapTest$[[1]], 1)} and 
           {round(dayGapTest$[[2]], 1)} extra days 
           between visits.")

# Since the next test requires a 90-day window and we have data for 
# Feb 1 2020 - April 30, 2023, we'll cut off visits at Jan 30 2023 to 
# ensure every observation has the necessary 90-day window

cutoff90days <- patlog %>%
  filter(`Discharge Date` < ymd(lag90days))

# For every patient who saw a CRC during their visit, list the number of
# times they had been seen in the ED over the 90 days after the
# current visit.

sawCRC90days <- cutoff90days %>%
  filter(!`ED Navigator`)) %>%

# For every patient who did not see a CRC during their visit, list the 
# number of times they had been seen in the ED over the 90 days 
# after the current visit.

noCRC90days <- cutoff90days %>%
  filter(`ED Navigator`)) %>%

#Declare n-sizes for readers

glue::glue("To look further, we'll compare the average number of 
           visits in a 90-day period for patients who encountered
           CRCs vs. those who didn't. Data used for this test is
           visits from {month(mindate, label = TRUE)} 
           {day(mindate)}, {year(mindate)} to 
           {month(lag90days, label = TRUE)} 
           {day(lag90days)}, {year(lag90days)}, 
           to allow for the appropriate 90-day measurement window.")

glue::glue("In this test, for ED encounters by patients who met with 
           a CRC, n = {length(sawCRC90days)}. For ED encounters by
           patients who hadn't met with a CRC, 
           n = {length(noCRC90days)}.")

# Perform a t-test to determine if the difference in the two groups'
# average number of visits over 90 days is statistically significant

test90days <- t.test(sawCRC90days, noCRC90days, conf.level = 0.95)

# Display raw test results


#Calculations for visualization

rate90Days <- cutoff90days %>%
  mutate(visitedByCRC = !`ED Navigator`)) %>%
  select(visitedByCRC, visitsNext90Days) %>%
  group_by(visitedByCRC) %>%
    rateOfVisits90 = mean(visitsNext90Days), 
    n = n(), 
    sd = sd(visitsNext90Days)) %>%
# Visualize results

ggplot(rate90Days, aes(visitedByCRC, rateOfVisits90, 
                       fill = visitedByCRC)) +
  geom_col() +
      x = visitedByCRC,
      ymin = rateOfVisits90 - se,
      ymax = rateOfVisits90 + se),
    width = 0.2) +
      label = format(signif(rateOfVisits90, digits = 3), 
                     nsmall = 2)), 
    vjust = 3.9, 
    size = 8) +
  ggtitle("Rate of ED Visits per 90 Days for Homeless Patients") +
  xlab("Patient Group") +
  ylab("Rate of ED Visits per 90 Days") +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = c ("Wasn't Seen by CRC", "Saw CRC")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = alpha(c("#B0B3B2", "#4EC3E0"), .6)) +
  theme_bw() +
        legend.position = "none",
        plot.title = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 16)

# Explain the results

glue::glue("From these results, we're 95% confident that CRC interactions
           have a statistically significant impact on homeless patients' 
           rate of visits per 90 days, with patients who saw them being 
           seen somewhere between 
           {round(abs(test90days$[[2]]), 1)} 
           to {round(abs(test90days$[[1]]), 1)} 
           fewer times over the next 90 days.")

# For every patient who did not see a CRC during their visit, list the 
# number of times they had been seen in the ED over the 180 days after 
# the current visit. Since the next test requires a 180-day window and 
# we have data for Feb. 1, 2020 - Apr 30, 2023, we'll cut off visits 
# at Nov 1 2022 to ensure every observation has the necessary 180-day
# window

cutoff180days <- patlog %>%
  filter(`Discharge Date` < ymd(lag180days))

# For every patient who saw a CRC during their visit, list the number 
# of times they had been seen in the ED over the 180 days after the 
# current visit.

sawCRC180days <- cutoff180days %>%
  filter(!`ED Navigator`)) %>%
  drop_na(visitsNext180Days) %>%

# For every patient who did not see a CRC during their visit, list the
# number of times they had been seen in the ED over the 180 days after 
# the current visit.

noCRC180days <- cutoff180days %>%
  filter(`ED Navigator`)) %>%
  drop_na(visitsNext180Days) %>%

#Declare n-sizes for readers

glue::glue("Expanding the window to 180 days also demonstrates value in
           the CRC program. Data used for this test is visits from 
           {month(mindate, label = TRUE)} {day(mindate)}, {year(mindate)} 
           to {month(lag180days, label = TRUE)} {day(lag180days)}, 
           {year(lag180days)}, to allow for the appropriate 180-day 
           measurement window.")

glue::glue("In this test, for ED encounters by patients who met with
            a CRC, n = {length(sawCRC180days)}. For ED encounters by
            patients who hadn't met with a CRC, 
            n = {length(noCRC180days)}.")

# Perform a t-test to determine if the difference in the two groups' 
# average number of visits over 180 days is statistically significant

test180days <- t.test(sawCRC180days, noCRC180days, conf.level = 0.95)

# Display raw test results


#Calculations for visualization

rate180Days <- cutoff180days %>%
  mutate(visitedByCRC = !`ED Navigator`)) %>%
  select(visitedByCRC, visitsNext180Days) %>%
  group_by(visitedByCRC) %>%
    rateOfVisits180 = mean(visitsNext180Days), 
    n = n(), 
    sd = sd(visitsNext180Days)) %>%
# Visualize results

       aes(visitedByCRC, rateOfVisits180, fill = visitedByCRC)) +
  geom_col() +
                x = visitedByCRC,
                  ymin = rateOfVisits180 - se,
                  ymax = rateOfVisits180 + se),
                width = 0.2) +
    label = format(signif(rateOfVisits180, digits = 3), 
                   nsmall = 2)), 
    vjust = 3.9, 
    size = 8) +
  ggtitle("Rate of ED Visits per 180 Days for Homeless Patients") +
  xlab("Patient Group") +
  ylab("Rate of ED Visits per 180 Days") +
  scale_x_discrete(labels = c ("Wasn't Seen by CRC", "Saw CRC")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = alpha(c("#B0B3B2", "#4EC3E0"), .6)) +
  theme_bw() +
        legend.position = "none",
        plot.title = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 14),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 16)

# Explain the results

glue::glue("From these results, we're 95% confident that CRC interactions
           have a statistically significant impact on homeless patients' 
           rate of visits per 180 days, with patients who saw them being
           seen somewhere between 
           {round(abs(test180days$[[2]]), 1)} to 
           {round(abs(test180days$[[1]]), 1)} fewer times over
           the next 180 days.")

The Report

Let’s take a look.


Thank you



